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About Us Page

Developing technologies are disturbing old standards and releasing new pathways. IQM group has embedded emerging technologies in every aspect of our cloud-based resources, enabling companies to reimagine their businesses and user experience. IQM group is a leading provider of cloud-based application to smoothing the business process. IQM Group is a Dynamics CRM Development company we specialize in fixing problem implementations where the customers’ expectations or requirements can’t be met by out of the box.

With the introduction of IQ grid, IQ Image, and Resco Design Service, business process are improved through the use of custom workflows designed by our developers. With a strong background in construction ranging from landscapes to HiRISE and technical trades such as electrical. We have also worked in other areas including the energy sector and oil transportation.

Here at IQM group, we believe clicks cost money, so our mission is to increase your productivity. IQM group is again revolutionizing how data is collected and putting customer relationship at the forefront of our product design.